The coronavirus in Poland. Up to 8 years of imprisonment for breaking the quarantine

The first investigations concerning people who have disregarded the sanitary restrictions by breaking the quarantine have been launched in Poland. By doing so, disobedient Poles have put the lives of other people at risk. According to the media, the punishment for this can be even up to 8 years of imprisonment.

The coronavirus in Poland. Up to 8 years of imprisonment for breaking the quarantine
Źródło zdjęć: © PAP

The problem concerns only a handful of people, as the great majority of Poles subjected to the 14-day quarantine order have been staying at home. This, at least, is what the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration asserts.

The coronavirus in Poland. Up to 8 years of prison for breaking the quarantine

Politicians had previously talked of fines for those who might break the order. The maximum amount of the fine was set at 5 thousand zlotys. The politicians had also mentioned a punishment of one year in prison. Now, according to Rzeczpospolita, the consequences may be much graver.

The exact term of the sentence is to be up to the prosecutor. If it is found that a person who broke their quarantine endangered the health of others, he or she may face up to 8 years of imprisonment.

Zobacz także: Koronawirus. Ministerstwo Zdrowia opublikowało specjalny film

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