Strzelanina w Brukseli. Dwie osoby zginęły

Dwie osoby zginęły w strzelaninie w Brukseli - poinformowała w poniedziałek tamtejsza prokuratura.

Strzelanina w Brukseli
Strzelanina w Brukseli
Źródło zdjęć: © Associated Press, East News | Sylvain Plazy

O tragedii informuje tamtejsza prokuratura.

W centrum miasta zastrzelono dwie osoby w koszulkach reprezentacji Szwecji, która w ten wieczór gra mecz z Belgią w eliminacjach Euro 2024.

Dalsza część artykułu pod materiałem wideo

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Według niderlandzkojęzycznej gazety Het Laatste z Antwerpii, do strzelaniny doszło w pobliżu Saincteletteplein, na północ od centrum.

  • Temporary
This photograph shows the police perimeter at the site of a shooting incident in the Ieperlaan - Boulevard d'Ypres, in Brussels, on October 16, 2023. Two people were killed during a shooting in Brussels on October 16, 2023 evening and the suspect was on the run, the Belgian capital's prosecutor's office said. (Photo by HATIM KAGHAT / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
  • Temporary
Police cordon off an area where a shooting took place in the center of Brussels, Monday, Oct. 16, 2023. Belgian police say that two people are dead in central Brussels after several shots were fired. (AP Photo/Sylvain Plazy)
Sylvain Plazy
  • Strzelanina w Brukseli
  • Temporary
This photograph shows the police perimeter at the site of a shooting incident in the Ieperlaan - Boulevard d'Ypres, in Brussels, on October 16, 2023. Two people were killed during a shooting in Brussels on October 16, 2023 evening and the suspect was on the run, the Belgian capital's prosecutor's office said. (Photo by HATIM KAGHAT / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
[1/4] Temporary This photograph shows the police perimeter at the site of a shooting incident in the Ieperlaan - Boulevard d'Ypres, in Brussels, on October 16, 2023. Two people were killed during a shooting in Brussels on October 16, 2023 evening and the suspect was on the run, the Belgian capital's prosecutor's office said. (Photo by HATIM KAGHAT / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT HATIM KAGHATŹródło zdjęć: © AFP, EAST_NEWS | HATIM KAGHAT

Nie aresztowano podejrzanego, a policja otoczyła miejsce kordonem.

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