Ogromny arsenał. Szef czeskiego MSW: mogliśmy naprawdę ponieść dziesiątki ofiar

- Kiedy zobaczyłem ten arsenał, zrozumiałem, że mogliśmy naprawdę ponieść dziesiątki ofiar - powiedział czeski minister spraw wewnętrznych na konferencji prasowej. Kraj próbuje otrząsnąć się z "najpoważniejszego incydentu w historii". W strzelaninie na Uniwersytecie Karola zginęło 15 osób, a 24 są ciężko ranne. Stan zdrowia 9 jest krytyczny.

Strzelanina w Pradze
Strzelanina w Pradze
Źródło zdjęć: © East News, PAP
Mateusz Czmiel

Strzelanina na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytetu Karola w Pradze, w której zginęło co najmniej 15 osób jest według szefa MSW "najpoważniejszym tego rodzaju incydentem w historii Republiki Czeskiej".

"Ogromna ilość amunicji"

Vit Rakuszan, szef MSW na konferencji prasowej powiedział, że napastnik miał przy sobie "ogromną ilość amunicji". - Gdyby policja nie weszła do budynku w ciągu kilku minut, sprawca nie leżałby martwy na dachu. Znaleźliśmy jedną ofiarę na ulicy, więc najwyraźniej wszystkie ofiary straciły życie w budynku wydziału - mówił.

- Napastnik miał zarejestrowaną dużą liczbę broni. Nie mogę potwierdzić, czy strzelał tylko z legalnie posiadanych broni, czy też z nielegalnych - dodał komendant policji.

Dalsza część artykułu pod materiałem wideo

Trafią do więzienia? Była minister ostrzega przed "żenującą sceną"

Policja: zamachowiec inspirował się wydarzeniami w Rosji

Policja wiedziała wcześniej, że strzelec chciał popełnić samobójstwo. Funkcjonariusze pojechali do gmachu przy ulicy Celetnej, gdzie napastnik miał wygłosić wykład. Jednak mężczyzna zaatakował w gmachu na placu Jana Palacha w centrum Pragi.

W sieci pojawiły się doniesienia, że napastnikiem jest obywatel Ukrainy - informacja ta została zdementowana przez policję. Napastnikiem był Czech. Policja ma podejrzenia, że mężczyzna inspirował się niedawnym zamachem w Rosji. Kilka dni temu 14-letnia dziewczyna otworzyła ogień w szkole do swoich kolegów. Powodem jej zachowania miał być fakt, że była szykanowana przez rówieśników.

  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040145 A person is escorted from the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Strzelanina na uniwersytecie w czeskiej Pradze
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - DECEMBER 21: Police take security measures as several people were killed and injured in a shooting incident near a university in Prague, Czech Republic on December 21, 2023. The incident took place at the Charles University Faculty of Arts in central Prague, according to the police. Stringer / Anadolu
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040153 A police officer pictured at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040144 A person is escorted from the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040060 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(R) and Police President, Martin Vondrasek(L) speak to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040055 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(C) and Police President, Martin Vondrasek(L) speak to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epaselect epa11039970 An armed Police officer stands guard near to the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Strzelanina na uniwersytecie w czeskiej Pradze
Czech Republic's Minister of the Interior Vit Rakusan, center, and Police officer Martin Vondrasek, left, speak to the media after a mass shooting in downtown Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023. A mass shooting in downtown Prague killed several people and injured others, and the person who opened fire also is dead, Czech police and the city's rescue service said Thursday. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek)
Petr David Josek
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040004 A member of the emergency service at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040152 Emergency services at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Temporary
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - DECEMBER 21: Civilians, police are seen at the scene following a shooting at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic on December 21, 2023. At least 15 people were killed and 24 others injured in a shooting incident at a university in Czech Republic's capital Prague on Thursday. Stringer / Anadolu
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epaselect epa11039972 An armed Police officer patrols near to the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040226 Charles University, the scene of a mass shooting in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead in central Prague shooting
epa11039966 A Police officer stands at a security cordon near to the scene of a shooting in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040054 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(R) and Police President, Martin Vondrasek(L) speak to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040003 Emergency service vehicles at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Temporary
Women attend to a person wrapped in a thermal blanket near the building of Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in downtown Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023. A mass shooting in downtown Prague killed several people and injured others, and the person who opened fire also is dead, Czech police and the city's rescue service said Thursday. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek)
Petr David Josek
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040059 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(C) speaks to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040224 Police officers pictured at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11039979 A Police officer stands at a cordon near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040221 Police officers pictured at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11039978 Emergency services arrive at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040057 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(C) speaks to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead in central Prague shooting
epa11039961 An ambulance rushes to the scene of a shooting in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040058 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(C) and Police President, Martin Vondrasek(L) speak to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK  EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040056 Interior Minister Vit Rakusan(C) speaks to the press near the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040006 Members of the emergency service at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11039998 Lights from emergency service vehicles light the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead in central Prague shooting
epaselect epa11039960 A Police officer stands guard as an ambulance rushes to the scene of a shooting in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040005 A member of the emergency service at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting
epa11040225 Police officers pictured at the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of  was a 24 year-old Charles University student.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
  • Several dead in central Prague shooting
epa11039962 An ambulance rushes to the scene of a shooting in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to Czech Police several people have been killed and "dozens" injured in an incident in the capital of the Czech Republic.  EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK 
Dostawca: PAP/EPA.
[1/32] Several dead and dozens injured in central Prague University shooting epa11040145 A person is escorted from the scene of a shooting at Charles University in central Prague, 21 December 2023. According to the Police President, Martin Vondrasek, there are more than 15 people dead and 24 injured, but that these may not be final numbers. According to Czech police the perpetrator of was a 24 year-old Charles University student. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK EPA-EFE/MARTIN DIVISEK Dostawca: PAP/EPA. MARTIN DIVISEKŹródło zdjęć: © Licencjodawca | MARTIN DIVISEK

Prezydent składa kondolencje

Prezydent Andrzej Duda złożył w czwartek wieczorem kondolencje rodzinom i bliskim ofiar strzelaniny na Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze. "Polacy łączą się w bólu ze wszystkimi, którzy cierpią z powodu tej strasznej tragedii" - podkreślił.

"Na ręce Prezydenta Republiki Czeskiej składam kondolencje Rodzinom i Bliskim Ofiar strzelaniny na Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze. Rannym życzę powrotu do zdrowia. Polacy łączą się w bólu ze wszystkimi, którzy cierpią z powodu tej strasznej tragedii" - napisał na platformie X prezydent.

Minister spraw wewnętrznych Czech Vit Rakuszan wykluczył, aby strzelanina miała związek z międzynarodowym terroryzmem. Poinformował, że jest w kontakcie ze służbami z państw Unii Europejskiej.

Źródło artykułu:WP Wiadomości

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